This year's [OLIVE JAPAN 2024] has come to an end.

6月28日と29日の2日間、東京、コートヤード.マリオット銀座東武ホテルにて開催されました。1日目は、朝からどしゃ降りで夕方まで続いていたにもかかわらず、多くのご来場者があり、各ブースでどんどんオリーブオイルやその他の商品が売れていました。2日目はお天気回復していたので、1日目の数倍の人数の来場者で、会場内溢れていました。お陰様で、当店ブースもお客様が途切れることもなく、私も説明し続けて、閉店間際には精魂尽き果てた状態でした。本当に、皆様ありがとうございました。感謝申し上げます。毎年素晴らしいオイルを搾油してくれるDIEVOLE今年もコラティーナが特別金賞     キャンティ.クラシコが金賞を受賞しました。数本を残すだけで、凄くたくさんご購入していただきました。 そして、ブロンテ産DOP認定の生ピスタチオ40%の【LAVICO】今回が初入荷の、生ピスタチオ100%の【LAVICO.PURA】こちらも大人気ので、ご試食された方々のほとんどの皆様から購入していただき、ほぼ完売いたしました。佐世保へ帰ったら、オンライン.ショップもキチンと整えますので、もう少しお待ちください。本当に、たくさんの皆様にオリーブオイルの素晴らしさ、LAVICOシリーズの希少さと激ウマさをお伝えする事ができて、嬉しかったです。ありがとうございました。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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OLIVE JAPAN 2019 Results announced!

12On Friday, the results of the global olive oil competition "OLIVE JAPAN 2019" were announced. Republic of Tunisia from which I am importing??HERBES DE TUNISIE (Erve de Tunisi)SAFIR produced 5 flavored olive oil results. Gold Prize Lemon Flavor Silver Prize?Basil, orange, garlic, rosemary are good. Unlike extra virgin olive oil, flavored olive oil is rated differently by the judges. Five fragrant flavored olive oils made with pesticide-free olives and healthy pesticide-free lemons, oranges, basil, garlic and rosemary. The same goes for bottled marinades, Tunisia??The vegetables, fruits, and herbs that are made in a state close to organic are very fresh, so they taste and smell good. Please give it a try. It's very popular! In late May Japan??Arrive at: The 2017 oil is on sale in the online shop, although it is very small in stock! You may also want to try. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Delicious Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In March, I went to Madrid, Spain to the International Trade Fair on Olive Oil. At that time, I had a tasting at the booth of "Melgarrejo", an olive oil producer manufacturer that has been in Spain for five generations. All of the premium series had a wonderful flavor and I was always impressed with "delicious~~i", but "Ohiblanka Premium" was the most delicious. As soon as I returned to Japan, I started purchasing from an import company and selling it at M&m Olive. And at the international olive oil contest [OLIVE JAPAN 2016] held last month, it was selected as the highest prize. The moment you open the lid of the bottle, a fresh and lush aroma comes out, and the moment you put it in your mouth, the flavors of green tea and tropical fruits rush through you ~, and the floral aroma rises from your throat to your nose. And the moderate astringency and spiciness tighten the taste of the oil. It is a 250ml bottle and is on sale for ¥1700 tax. In July, 500ml bottles will also arrive. Melgarejo's premium series will also be in stock more and more such as Albequina and Frantoio, so please look forward to it. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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OLIVE JAPAN 2016 Award-winning olive oil

Yesterday, the 25th, the results of the international olive oil contest "OLIVE JAPAN 2016" were announced. The beloved extra virgin olive oils sold at M&m Olive won the award. Grand Prize 1?Ojiblanca Premium (Spain, Melgarejo) 250ml/¥1700 tax 2?Ascolano (USA, Lucero) 250ml/3000 tax 3?Centenarium Premium (Spain, NOBLEZA DELSUR) 500ml/3500 tax Gold Prize 4?Spremo (Spain, San Juan Co-op) 500ml/¥4500 tax 5?MESSINA Black Label (Italy, Sicily) 500ml/3990 tax 6?MESSINA Red Label (Italy, Sicily) 250ml/2990 tax 7?Cold smoked olive oil (C. Canena, Spain) 250ml/2800 tax You can sample everything at M&m Olive store.? We will advise you on how to use it. It has a very good flavor. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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