The other day I introduced Cosecha Propia of Melgalejo, a major long-established olive oil producer in Jaén, Spain.

It is one of the thanks to the efforts of the 5th generation Bress and the one-armed Andres.😄☝

Cosecha Propia met at a trade fair in Madrid, Spain on March 2 this year.✨✨✨

It is an extra virgin olive oil harvested and oiled after a little more ripeness of the same olive fruit as "Picual Premium" which won the prize at OLIVE JAPAN 2016 this year.❣❣❣

Please use it for everyday stir-fry😄☝

This oil used in daily life is the most important‼That's it.👀

Everyone who cares about the health of everyone in the family✨✨✨

Increase this cosecha propia to the kitchen🍀

1 bottle / 500ml 1600 tax

The price is about 1~2 lunches.😉👌

Aim for The Mediterranean Paradx❣❣❣❣❣